How to apply for a refund

If you want to apply for a refund, please follow the following steps:

1. Post a message with a detailed description of the problem in the comment section of the item or send a message to the author by going to the author's profile.

2. Please give the author 2 business days to reply.

3. If the author of the item has not replied or solve your issue within 2 business days, you can now open a refund request.

Please note that we do not refund your purchase in the following situations:

- The reason for the refund is you don't want the item anymore.

- The reason for the refund is you have made an accidental purchase.

- The problem is caused by a misconfigured environment is not by a defect of the item itself.

- The reason for the refund is the author refuse to install the item for you for free.

- You have not posted a message with a detailed description of the problem in the Comment section of the item or have not given the author the chance to solve the problem.

- If the purchase is more then 10 days ago.

Creating a refund request

-After logging into your Envacode account, hoover over your username on the top right and click on Dashboard. 

- Click on Refund request

- This will bring you to the refund request form. Fill out the form and also input your purchase code to successfully submit a refund request.

The refund request process

We will contact the author of that particular item on your behalf

After a buyer has applied for a refund request, the seller has 3 days to respond to us via email to decide the refund request and also give reason to their decision.

After a refund request has been disputed, the seller has 3 days to submit any relevant information related to the refund request. If the seller fails to respond within this time period, the dispute will automatically be decided in favor of the buyer.

Processing the refund

If a refund request has resulted in a refund. The refund request will have to be processed by Envacode. This normally takes 1-2 business days to complete. 

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